Monday, September 22, 2014

September: Banned Books Week (Display 3) Banned Books

For the last Banned Books display I decided to make paper chains with locks. One of our Student Library Assistants cut out several strips of black construction paper and stapled them together to form long paper chains. I drew locks onto construction paper and cut them out and then taped them onto the chains.

I also made up caution signs in Photoshop and cut them out and placed them on some of the books.

I saw several displays on Pinterest that were using the ALA's Forbidden graphic on their books. I liked how it looked so I printed out several and pasted them onto the books as well.
I made up a sign for the display using the ALA graphics for this year's Banned Books Week:

I printed out three images using quotes and pictures I found on Buzzfeeds "11 Quotes from Authors on Censorship and Banned Books" 

For the top of the bookcase I made a Banned Books sign using ALA graphics:

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